Hoff-Barthelson Music School welcomes need-based financial aid applications for students of all ages and levels of advancement for the 2024-25 School Year from families with household incomes up to four times (400%) of New York State’s 2023-24 Reduced Price Lunch Eligibility levels, as shown below:

Factors Influencing Award Decisions: Need, Commitment, and Contribution to the HB Community:
Decisions regarding the amount of aid awarded are based on the amount of funds available, demonstrated financial need, and the number of applications received. Funding is limited; not every student with a demonstrated need is guaranteed to receive aid: early applications are encouraged.
- Need—Need is determined via consideration of total annual family income from all sources—including investments, trust funds, etc., as well as gross income for income tax purposes for all family members (including the student), and family expenses. Financial aid will not be awarded where total anticipated annual family receipts exceed those listed above, unless the award is approved by the Financial Aid Committee based on a showing of extraordinary circumstances such as (i) death or disability of a parent, (ii) major, uninsured medical expense, or (iii) a large uninsured casualty loss.
- Commitment—Except for students entering their first year at Hoff-Barthelson, no student shall be considered for financial aid unless the student shows commitment to their music education. Students are expected to practice at home—between lessons, coachings and ensemble rehearsals—on a regular basis—and must maintain a minimal attendance rate of 80% of all classes, lessons, rehearsals, and performances to remain eligible for financial aid.
- Contribution to the HBMS Community—An applicant’s contribution or potential contribution to the Hoff-Barthelson community is also a consideration. Factors impacting contribution to the Hoff-Barthelson community may include years or potential years of study at the school and/or active participation in classes, clubs, ensembles, festivals and other programs.
Award Amounts
For first-time financial aid applicants, maximum award amounts are factored as percentages of total tuition, to a maximum of 40%, for those with the highest level of need.

We regret that financial aid awards are not available for adult classes offered in partnership with the Scarsdale Adult School, nor to our Summer Lessons program, which features already-reduced prices.
Financial aid awards do not cover registration fees ($75 per student per year for private lesson students, $35 per year for students enrolling only in classes, clubs or ensembles for our academic year programs; or materials fees ($60 per semester for private lesson students); these fees and the balance of tuition must be paid in full, or a payment plan must be established, prior to the beginning of the semester.
The maximum term of academic year awards is two semesters within a single academic year, with awards divided equally between each.
Financial aid awards are not automatically renewed each year and are subject to review and withdrawal at any time throughout the year.
Continuation of Financial Aid is dependent upon regular attendance at classes, lessons, ensemble rehearsals, and coaching sessions; students must maintain a minimum 80% attendance rate for each to remain eligible. Attendance is reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Reductions in tuition will result in a proportionate decrease in Financial Aid. Increases in tuition will not guarantee additional Financial Aid.
Application, Notification and Registration Timeline
The deadline for applications for the 2024-25 school year from returning financial aid recipients is May 24, 2024.
Applications from students applying for financial aid for the first time are considered on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning May 25, 2024. Because the School’s financial aid funds are limited, early application is strongly encouraged.
Applicants must first register and pay the appropriate registration fee and deposit prior to submitting an application.
Please allow up to two weeks for the consideration of new requests. Note that incomplete applications cannot be considered.
The amount of any financial aid award will be deducted from the recipient’s total tuition charges. Any balance and all applicable fees (e.g., registration and materials fees) must be paid in full, or a payment plan selected, by August 25, 2023.
How to Apply
Download the 2024-2025 financial aid application form
Once you have completed registration by paying the registration fee and tuition deposit and are ready to submit your completed application and required supporting documentation, please email Mike Nelson, mnelson@hbms.org, who will send you a link to securely transfer your forms to the School.
Students without access to the technology necessary to share documents electronically must deliver their completed forms and required supporting documentation to: Hoff-Barthelson Music School, Attention: Mike Nelson, 25 School Lane, Scarsdale, NY 10583.
Questions may be addressed to Student and Faculty Services at 914-723-1169 or studentservices@hbms.org.