This page displays a list of our staff across all departments. If you would like to get in touch with these individuals, please visit our contact page.

Executive Office

Gabriella Sanna
Executive Director


Christopher Kenniff

Derek Cooper
Associate Dean of Musicianship and Educational Technology

April Johnson
Associate Dean of Performance and Private Instruction

Ruth Alperson
Dean Emerita

Student and Faculty Services

Christopher Peña

Terry Wager
Manager of Student and Faculty Services

Mike Nelson
Manager of Information Services

Elizabeth Engel
Registration Associate


German Rodriguez
Director of Finance

Silvina Mottura


Alex Villari
Director of Development

Mary Ann Riad
External Relations Associate

Special Events

Mike Nelson
Director of Special Events


Patrick Cacciola
Director of Marketing and Communications

Derek Cooper
Social Media Coordinator

Office and Building Management

Lucy Rosenberg
Office Manager

Glen Kirchoff
Building Manager, Piano Consultant, Honors Program Coordinator

Fredy Gomez
Hector Gomez


Jennifer Petrocelli
Receptionist Coordinator

Fran Naughton
Melissa Urena

Accompanists/Collaborative Pianists

Lauren Ninoshvili

Mari Hwang
Paul Kerekes
Tomoko Uchino
Peifeng Wang
Emily White

Our staff can guide you to the
perfect program for you or for your child.

View the
course catalog.

Enrollment is
open all year.

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special events that take place at Hoff-Barthelson throughout the year.